
Fraunhaufer Proposes DRM

Wired News: Pay Once, Share Often With LWDRMLWDRM gives consumers more freedom. Like any other digital-rights system, it starts with a payment that gives consumers the right to use the song or video clip on their PC. But with LWDRM, from that point on consumers decide what may be done with it. They can copy the clip to another device like an MP3 player or distribute the file to a limited number of friends and relatives. In order to do so, the buyer has to download a digital certificate from a certification authority. The certificate attaches itself to the file like a watermark and records exactly what is done with it.

I can live with the Fraunhaufer version of DRM because it doesn’t attempt to code policy into the technology. It would allow tracking of individual digital copies, but not prevent actions, just show if you’ve been sharing illegally.

If Fraunhaufer were to disappear 2 years later, or discontinue the project, you would have no problems using your DRM’d files. Also, thing like selling digital files, giving them as gifts, media shifting, etc. should all be possible without limits.