
Kung-Log Becomes Ecto

chaotic intransient prose bursts: They called it “ecto”With a new name, I felt the program should be cleaned up as well. I re-coded everything from the ground up. There are a lot of improvements now and a lot of new features, most of which have been repeated user-requests. The final product is now ready for beta testing. For the first round, I am going to invite users who have donated to download and test the program. In the second round, a free public beta version will be made available. If you did not receive a beta test invitation by the end of December 30th and you are sure you have donated, just drop me a note by email. [Kung-Foo.tv]

Glad to see progress on a new version, as Kung-Log has been mostly my favorite program to post to my MT blog with (The MT Bookmarklet being a close second).