ХудожникИконописI love my kindle, and I think the highlight and share functionality is actually one of the coolest functions. I’m always surprised how often I end up connecting/re-connecting with friends now that we’re all adults based upon snippets of books or articles we’re currently reading. I also dig stalking big-influences to see what they’re reading ;).
The one distinction I wish the share functionality had was a bit more granularity – at a high level, I often want to share things *either* casually (e.g. some witty snippet from a leisure book) or professionally (some insightful comment about software engineering, or management practices). Those 2 audiences are very different though, and at times never the twain shall meet – hence the unsuccessful experiments previously with cross-posting tweets to my Facebook feed. I do want my friends to think I do stuff other than work afterall…
In the long run I think deeper integration with groups, lists, circles, tags, or multiple accounts is what I’m really looking for – e.g. when I ask “share” I kind of want the Kindle to ask “with who?” Though, admittedly, I’m still super-excited that Amazon’s supporting Overdrive, bring libraries back into the fold (so this local library supporter can stop being guilty for buying the 1 e-reader that *didn’t* support the library’s digital collection)