
Writing Promotes Literacy

Napsterization.org: Does Writing Make You More Literate? Do You Learn More?writing is a process that changes things more radically for me. When I take in some piece of information, I may react, may think about how I feel, what I believe, what the framework and logic surrounding the information are, but initially I’m still following the flow of the other source.

I think writing definitely promotes active reading (which much to my HS english teachers’ dismay, no one seemed interested in cultivating at the time.) Being able to respond thoughtfully to something shows that you’ve made the final step to internalizing the information, and make the thoughts and concepts your own.

I think it’s similar to the difference (again venturing back to HS) between a teaching calling you and asking what was just said, and you spitting it back word for word, and having actually followed the conversation and considered the thoughts being expressed.

So strike one for the people who complain that blogging is lowering the quality of content on the internet. Afterall, what good is good content without good readers?