
New Rutgers Website 2

“Rutgers University”:http://www.rutgers.edu has comeup with a new overall website template, which they’ve used for the new main site, as well as the New Brunswick/Piscataway Campus section. While much more visually sophisticated and inline with current trends than the past design, I have noticed that the current design uses tables in several locations to layout HTML. I wonder what that does to accessibility. Does anyone know what kind of accessibility requirements major Universities are subject to?

2 thoughts on “New Rutgers Website

  1. Bodhi Nov 13,2003 8:12 pm

    Hi, read your review of Pad Thai and liked it. Just wanted to let you know that the link for the restaurant does not work. You might want to update it.

  2. Jason Shao Nov 13,2003 8:59 pm


    Thanks for the note.

    The pad thai website seems to be up and down sporadically. They do have their menu online when you can get to it, which is nice.


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